Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: Teacher Gifts

Hey guys!

It is super late but I am still going to link up with Holly for this week's Waiting on Wednesday.

Today I am sharing the end of year teacher gifts I made for all 48 members of the faculty & staff at the school. 

I will be dropping them off tomorrow as the teachers will have lunch provided for them on Friday. 

This is what I used.

Sunkist Soda, Rice Crispy Treats, clear bags, and ribbon 

This is a little saying I made. 

Add the Sunkist & Rice Crispy Treat 

It is super easy and pretty cheap. It just takes some time to do so many. 

Here are 48 treats for the great people that touch so many lives daily! 

I am so blessed to live in such a supportive town with great teachers! 

Come on Friday, bring on the summer! 

XOXO ~ JulieAnn 


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