Monday, June 8, 2015

Summer of Service: Week 1 ~ Family

How crazy was that TCU vs. Texas A&M game!?!?!

We stayed up for the whole game! That is a perfect example of why I LOVE sports. It brings out so many different emotions.

If you missed the game then you missed a good one!

Now on with the whole point of this post :)

I have been following Holly at While I'm Waiting for a while and she and a couple of others have started a service challenge for the summer. I am so excited to participate in this all summer. My "weeks" will run Tuesday to Tuesday, so make sure to check back her every Tuesday to see what the next service topic is!

I love participating in service projects like this because you do not have to do something "over the top" or have lots of money to make a small difference. We can ALL do something!

Week one was posted HERE last week. Week ones topic was family. The goal is to serve our families in any way. Holly had some great ideas posted on her blog about different ways to serve your family.

On Sunday Ad was headed out to Rising Star to pick his sister up and I had him take my grandparents, my mom, & brother lunch.

I made a green bean casserole (that needed cheese & to be put in the oven) 

I also made them Ham. 

We also sent them some of the processed pork we have. 

Week 2 topic is Animals. 

Check out Holly' post HERE about ideas of things to do. 

I have not figured out what I am going to do since we don't have any animals at our house. We have plenty of animals out at the farm, but none here in Evant. 

I hope I figure something out. :) 

I am loving this summer service project and I hope you will join in. 

XOXO~ JulieAnn 


  1. I love, love, love the summer of service idea!!

    1. Thanks me too! I am happy to serve in any way I can. Have a great week!

  2. I love, love, love the summer of service idea!!


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