Monday, January 19, 2015

Weekend Wrap- Up: Best Friend Edition

Hey guys!

I had a great weekend of doing pretty much nothing :)

Basketball games filled our Friday night and like the good wife I am I took no pictures. #wifefail

On Saturday the hubs left to go to the pig sale.

Me and Ad's sister five years ago, before the pig sale. 

While he was gone I cleaned, did laundry, read a book, took a nap, caught up on some TV. I really didn't do much. I did go out to the track and walk. It was sooo nice out this weekend and how could you not go out and enjoy the sun. 

Out at the track. So beautiful. 

On Sunday morning I met with my BFF, Tiffany in Brownwood for lunch and some much needed girl time. 

Once again I failed and did not take any pictures of our time together but here are some that show our friendship. I met Tiffany when I was four and she was five. My grandmother was a florist and the flower shop was right next to Tiffany's dad's shop. We hit it off immediately and became best of friends. We have been through so much together and words cannot express how much her friendship means to me. 

Us at the Miss Rising Star Contest in 2009 

Us at a golf tournament in 2009. One thing about us.... we were are terrible at golf but we played anyway because any reason to get a day out of school. #duh 

Picture days = a day to goof off and get out of class because we were on the Yearbook Staff 

Sr. year 


Prom 2010

Graduation 2010 

HPU Graduation May 2013 - My friends came to see me graduate with my BSW

The night I got engaged I saw this girl! She was the one I called the night before I thought I was going to get engaged. I will have to blog about that sometime. Needless to say this was a very happy day and I am glad I got to share it with my BFF. 

She even deals with my crazy at my wedding shower. 

Bachelorett Party

Austin TX

My Maid of Honor 

All of us girls at the wedding reception. 

Night of the wedding. We are just hanging out by the pool 

All of us girls. So Ad and I didn't do "normal" and leave straight to a honeymoon. Instead we all ended up at the same hotel for the night and hung out most of the night in the pool and hot tub. It was a different way to spend the night but we will always remember how special our friends made us feel. 

Me and Tiffany's amazing son. I love this little boy more than I can express. 

December 2014 

So we spent the day eating and shopping. It was great! 

I got home and the hubs and I made dinner and watched some football even though our Cowboys weren't playing. 

I gained a lot of respect for Russell Wilson during that game and his post game speeches. 

Today I don't have work but today grad school starts back for me. #bringonthestress

I am going to need a therapist to get through learning to be a therapist. 

This morning Ad left his computer at home and I had to take it to the school to him. Well I was not at all ready to leave the house but knew he needed it soon so I put on cap and called it a day. 

My hat is one that Ad got from a pig show in Iowa. It has Linder Feed on it and if you don't know what that is..... it is pig feed. #gofigure 

Anyway one great thing about living in a small town is that after I dropped off the computer at the school I ran to the post office and while I was in there I met an old man who said that he liked that I knew what Linder Feed is. Who knew I would have made a new friend at the post office this morning due to my hat. 

We have a game tonight so I am off to bake the boys some cookies. I will try to take some pictures tonight...... well maybe. 

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day! 

XOXO ~ JulieAnn 

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