Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: Food for thought

Yay for this week being half way over!

Which means I am linking up with Holly for Waiting on Wednesday.

So instead of me sharing about my no good, bad couple of days I thought I would share this article that spoke to me this week!

This has been my favorite that has been on my heart. This article appeared in People Magazine. This sweet lady started an organization were she and others pack backpacks with food and take them to the children in need everyday! Unfortunately I have seen children go hungry and I still see the effects it has on children even later in their life. You can read the article Here.

I also want to give a HUGE shout out to Holly for ALL of the work her and the other people are doing at their local food bank. YOU GUYS ROCK! 

I know I take food for granted and thankfully I have never had to do without but there are a lot of people out there that do go without. 

I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer but this week this has been on my heart.

On a positive note I get to see one of my little guys that I worked with when I worked in foster care get adopted tomorrow! 

I am so excited! 

And then tomorrow night is meet the teacher and some how my husband has convinced me that handing out Root Beer Floats in his classroom is a good idea. 

Let's hope I don't make a HUGE mess! 

XOXO ~ JulieAnn 


  1. Don't know what grade your husband teaches, but root beer floats, he will be the favorite this year. From While I'm Waiting

    1. He teaches Jr. High Science. and thank you!! It went great!


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