I honestly have no idea where to begin this post.
This is my 100th post. How crazy is that? I often wonder if I should even be blogging. I mean I don't have any children, I don't do fun Pinterest worthy crafts, or know the first thing about up-to-date fashion. I ask myself all of the time does anyone read this and if they do what do they think about me?
Often times, I talk about my husband, our life that revolves around sports, or how stressful my life can get. I love talking about all of these things but I often wonder is there more I can talk about that just those three things. Who knows? But tonight I am going to give it a try.
While I was in undergrad I looked for social work blogs and I could not find many of them. I was a little disappointed because social work is an amazing profession and we (social workers) should be proud of the work we are doing and wanting to share that with others. So, this post
might be will be social work heavy.
This week I am at TCU in training for
Trust Based Relational Intervention. It really is amazing. If you have a chance I would recommend reading
The Connected Child by Dr. Karyn Purvis.
Tonight my heart is heavy. My heart is heavy for all of the babies that are crying tonight and no one is there to pick them up and love them. My heart is heavy for the three year old who is going to bed hungry. My heart is heavy for the ten year old that is tucking in her younger siblings because a caregiver isn't home to do it. My heart is heavy for the seventeen year old who is about to age out of foster care, and scared because he has never had a family. My heart is just heavy.
I knew from a young age that I wanted to be a social worker and help children. I often doubt myself and wonder if I am really helping. Who knows if I truly am? I hope I am. I love my job and I feel beyond blessed that the Good Lord called me in this direction. Then there are nights like tonight where I do not feel that I am doing enough. I pray daily that I am doing what the Lord has called me to do and to have the strength to do it at my best ability. Some days it is hard to feel that prayer being answered. I know I should not doubt but my own "worldly self" gets in the way. Tonight I was working and when I took a break I got on Pinterest and came across this:
This hit me to my core. Why would I question God? Why can't I trust that He has entrusted me with this role in my life?
Is it because I see the broken in this world daily and feel helpless? Is it because I have seen more horrific things than I ever thought? Is it because these children who have done nothing wrong, are being hurt? Is it because I am angry that these bad things happen to these precious children? Is it because I am hardened from all of the bad things I have seen? Is it because I am 23 years old and feel like I am a lot older? Is it because secondary trauma is real and I refused to believe it?
Why can't I believe in myself?
How long will it take?
Maybe I am already there?
I know that I care beyond belief for these children around the world tonight that are feeling un-loved. If there was any way for me to reach them all and give them a hug and let them know that they are loved.
If all of us could show one child that they are loved and that they can be anything they want to be. In a few generations I would hope that there wouldn't be those children in the world who are feeling unloved.
There are so many things we could all do for these children and one I saw this week on Facebook that one of my friends shared was
Sharing Birthday Joy.
I am in love with this idea!
From their website:
Our Mission:
We provide all the goodies for an entire birthday party in a box for foster and homeless children in Central Texas.
How awesome is that?
We can all do something. It doesn't have to be anything like donating but just praying for these children and the people who work with them and care for them.
This is me.
This is my why.
This is my heart.
This is my passion.
This is my prayer tonight.
This is what I am feeling tonight.
This is as transparent as I have ever be on here.
Please give an extra hug and kiss to your children tonight and pray for all of those children who will not receive one tonight.
XOXO ~ JulieAnn
P.S. ~ I believe it took me 100 posts to create something worth sharing.
P.S.S ~ I am linking up with
Holly, who also does amazing things in her community to show love to others!
P.S.S.S ~ I LOVE reading the blogs that are about a person's child(ten) and how they do life, fun Pinterest worthy crafts, and great fashion.