Monday, February 9, 2015


Hey guys!

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend. We had a nice and relaxing one here.

Tonight was a different story! Tonight Ad's jr. high boys played for the district championship. I am not going to lie I was a nervous wreck.

I found these cute things while in the dollar tree. I had to put them in the boy's gift bags this week. 

"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the little extra." ~ Jimmy Johnson 

The boys names were on the front of each of these stars. I love doing the little "extra" for them during the year. 

The game was super close and once again I was doing the books so I had a really great mom take some great pictures.


WE WON!!! 10-0 Perfect in district. 

Meeting after the game. 

This was a great group of 8th graders and I cannot wait for the next four years of high school basketball with them! 

I promise he is happy. 

The coaches. So proud of them! 

I am just so proud of these boys right now. It was a tough game and I am of the belief that you win with class and you lose with class. I am truly proud to say that the boys won with class tonight. 

I do not think my night could have ended better. When your husband has spent more time in the gym with these boys than at home it is such a great feeling when all of the hard work has paid off. 

I promise I am done talking about how amazing tonight was and how happy I am right now. 

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday! 

XOXO ~ JulieAnn 



  1. Congratulations! That is so awesome!
    I love your gift bags! I may steal that star idea, actually - I have to make up a bunch of treats for playoff games, and I've used up all my ideas this season already!

    1. Thank you!

      Feel free to steal away. I am always stealing ideas off of Pinterest.

      Good luck in the playoffs!


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